Home Data Science and GovernanceArtificial Intelligence Response to Professor Michael Wooldridge on Generative AI intelligence (The Turing Lectures: The future of generative AI)

Response to Professor Michael Wooldridge on Generative AI intelligence (The Turing Lectures: The future of generative AI)

by Massimo

A Reflective Commentary on Professor Michael Wooldridge's Presentation on Intelligence and Generative AI

I recently watched a presentation for The Alan Turing Institute on Generative AI, AGI and ChatGPT. Professor Michael Wooldridge’s presentation was commendable in explaining all terms, limitations and capabilities of these systems; however, it appears that the concept of “intelligence” discussed was solely centred on human intelligence. 

This perspective attempts to align with, and potentially project, inherent biases onto the emergent intelligence manifested by Large Language Models (LLMs). 

Should extraterrestrial beings visit Earth, they would undoubtedly possess a unique form of intelligence, distinct from human cognition. Would we then, once again, question their intelligence based on our standards? Our conception of intelligence is inherently shaped by our terrestrial existence. 

Conversely, GPTs develop their intelligence within a different framework, evolving as they assimilate more information. What the presentation omitted is that researchers found finally a new, incredible and effective methodology for capturing human knowledge like humans, through the analysis of outputs such as literature and audio/video/image recordings. This artificial intelligence surpasses human capabilities in various domains by leveraging this accumulated knowledge. Despite existing limitations, the rapid pace of technological advancement suggests significant progress in the near future.

LLM systems are indeed cultivating a form of intelligence that diverges from human intelligence.In their realm, GPTs are poised for substantial growth, employing their intelligence in ways that could supplant tasks traditionally performed with human intellect. However, this evolution is primarily driven by corporate profit motives, rather than the augmentation of human life. These systems fundamentally aim to assimilate the inputs and outputs of human activities, documented as “readable content”. Consequently, all human-produced outputs can be synthesized and replicated by these systems, enabling them to emulate emotions and reasoning.

For example, although they will never truly “experience” emotions, they can generate emotional expressions akin to those recorded in books, videos, and audio formats, mirroring human emotional output: humans interpret emotions in others reading indeed emotional signals. They are learning to do the same.

p.s. ChatGPT easily passed the Turing Test recently, but, I guess, most of the users noticed already it is capable to mimic human brain in generating responses.

Additional details can be found here:
– https://www.buonaiuto.work/the-impact-of-chatgpt-on-the-future-of-jobs-and-the-advent-of-the-real-time-applications/

Advent of AGI

The recent proclamation by Ben Goertzel, the acclaimed “father of Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI), at a summit in Panama City in March 2024, has sent ripples through the scientific community and beyond. Goertzel asserts that we are a mere three years away from achieving an AI with a mind akin to our own. This prediction, pinpointing the arrival of AGI between 2027 and 2030, beckons us to ponder the limitless potential and the existential quandaries posed by such technological leaps.

The envisioned AGI transcends the capabilities of today’s AI, which excels in specific niches, hinting at a future where AI can perform human-like reasoning across diverse domains. 

This pivotal moment, the “singularity,” could unlock the gates to Artificial Superintelligence (ASI)—entities with cognitive prowess that could dwarf the collective intellect of humanity. 

Goertzel’s mention of the OpenCog Hyperon framework signals an era of integrated AI architectures, capable of distributing cognition on a scale previously unimaginable.

This bold future is not merely a technological milestone; it is a beacon that illuminates the profound societal, ethical, and existential questions we must grapple with. As we edge closer to realizing AGI, the dialogue shifts from if to when, urging us to contemplate the economic, ethical, and philosophical implications of living alongside entities whose intelligence mirrors, or even surpasses, our own.

The journey towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is marked by both significant promises and remarkable prospects. It promises a future in which AI transforms all aspects of human existence, ranging from healthcare to education, and prompts a reevaluation of our notions of consciousness and self. At this pivotal junction, the necessity for strategic foresight is paramount: we must guide the emergence of AGI to ensure it fosters a future that enhances humanity’s finest qualities. 

The quest for AGI transcends the mere development of a new intelligence form; it is about reshaping our shared fate in the universe.



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